The importance Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene / Preventive Dentistry

Just like everything in life, it all begins with anticipating what might happen and then making choices that will result in positive outcomes. In essence this really should be easy, but we know this is the toughest part, and we are here to help all along the way. To help ensure that you maintain great oral health, we help you establish a dental hygiene routine that is easy to follow and effective that will keep your teeth healthy, strong and white. Besides having your teeth cleaned by us twice per year, here are the top 4 items this plan includes:

  • Brushing Teeth Multiple Times per day (At Least Twice)
  • Toothbrush Replacing Every 3 Months
  • Flossing Daily
  • Mouth Rinsing with Mouthwash

The importance of doing the above 4 techniques each and every day are more critical now than ever before. Look at some interesting information from The Mayo Clinic and WebMD.


As Stated by The Mayo Clinic:

Oral health: A window to your overall health

Your oral health is more important than you might realize. Did you know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health — or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body?

Your oral health might affect, be affected by, or contribute to various diseases and conditions, including:

  • Endocarditis. Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of your heart (endocardium). Endocarditis typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body, such as your mouth, spread through your bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in your heart.
  • Cardiovascular disease. Some research suggests that heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke might be linked to the inflammation and infections that oral bacteria can cause.
  • Pregnancy and birth. Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes reduces the body’s resistance to infection — putting the gums at risk. Gum disease appears to be more frequent and severe among people who have diabetes. Research shows that people who have gum disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.
  • HIV/AIDS. Oral problems, such as painful mucosal lesions, are common in people who have HIV/AIDS.
  • Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis — which causes bones to become weak and brittle — might be linked with periodontal bone loss and tooth loss.
  • Alzheimer’s disease. Tooth loss before age 35 might be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Other conditions. Other conditions that might be linked to oral health include Sjogren’s syndrome — an immune system disorder that causes dry mouth — and eating disorders


As Stated by The WebMD:

Oral Health: The Mouth-Body Connection

Years ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a gum specialist. The same went for diabetes, pregnancy, or just about any other medical condition. Times have changed. The past 5 to 10 years have seen ballooning interest in possible links between mouth health and body health.

“Physicians are taking a more holistic approach to their patients’ overall health,” says Sally Cram, DDS, PC, consumer advisor for the American Dental Association. And for good reason. In one recent study, people with serious gum disease were 40% more likely to have a chronic condition on top of it.


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